Advisory Bulletin 1.3
Conflicts of Interest Regulation 401/23 – Notification of Inspector General (IG)
Date of issue: August 1, 2024
The Conflicts of Interest Regulation defines personal and institutional conflicts and sets out requirements for criminal investigations in conflict situations, including notification of the IG in certain circumstances. When applying the Regulation in real time, there are a number of decisions to be made about the nature of the conflict, which will result in certain required actions and IG notifications. To support consistent understanding of the requirements of the Regulation, and which notifications are needed, we have developed a flow chart as part of this Advisory Bulletin.
The Regulation identifies five Solicitor General-approved forms that are required to be completed in certain circumstances of potential or actual conflict. The forms will be used to document personal and institutional conflicts of interest, as well as facilitate the notification and reporting of conflicts to the IG as required.
Please note that our Ministry of the Solicitor General colleagues are actively working with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery to develop accessible, fillable forms which will be available within the next few months. In the interim, police services can request the following Solicitor General-approved temporary forms by reaching out to their IOP Police Services Advisor:
- Notification to supervisor of a personal or institutional conflict of interest
- Recording the steps taken for personal conflicts
- Notification of all institutional conflicts to the Inspector General of Policing
- Notification to the Inspector General of Policing that a potential institutional conflict will be retained
Recording steps taken for institutional conflicts
Notifications to the IG under the Regulation, including required forms, should be submitted to, copying your Police Services Advisor.
Should you have any questions about the forms specifically, please contact Rachel Ryerson, Manager, Strategic Policy Division at the Ministry of the Solicitor General, at (647) 267-6517 or
Note: Advisory Bulletins are the IG’s advice provided pursuant CSPA s. 102(4) and are intended as a resource for the sector by offering the IG’s general interpretation of various provisions of the CPSA. Advisory Bulletins are not legally binding, and they do not purport to address all possible factual scenarios or circumstances. As such, you may wish to consult with legal counsel to determine how this general guidance should be applied in your own local context and to navigate specific situations.