Inspector General Memo #2: Changes to the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 and Revised Advisory Bulletin 1.1


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All Chiefs of Police and

Commissioner Thomas Carrique

Chairs, Police Services Boards

FROM: Ryan Teschner, Inspector General of Policing of Ontario
DATE:  January 15, 2025
SUBJECT:  Inspector General Memo #2: Changes to the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 and Revised Advisory Bulletin 1.1


On December 4, 2024, the Safer Streets, Stronger Communities Act, 2024, received Royal Assent and enacted amendments to the Community Safety and Policing Act, 2019 (CSPA).  The amendments include changes to section 19 of the CSPA, which specifies how police services can provide assistance to each other through temporary assistance requests. In addition, section 19 was amended to remove the provisions regarding emergency assistance requests altogether.


In the first IG Memo released on August 1, 2024, I provided advice on interpreting and applying the former section 19 provisions, including outlining the roles and responsibilities of the police service board, the chief of police or Commissioner, and the IG.  In response to the changes in the CSPA that assign directly to the chief of police the ability to seek assistance from another chief of police when temporary assistance is required, regardless of whether there is an emergency, I have revised Advisory Bulletin 1.1: How Policing is Delivered.  This revised version of the Bulletin now replaces the version issued on August 1, 2024.


I advise chiefs of police, including the Commissioner, and police service boards, to review the attached Revised Advisory Bulletin  and the changes to section 19, paying particular attention to their new respective authorities and duties, including the requirements to notify the IG.  Please note that the revisions to the Bulletin are limited to addressing section 19 temporary assistance, and only these sections of the Bulletin require your review.


More broadly, given the role of the IG in relation to section 19 temporary assistance requests and the IG’s oversight authority under section 20 of the CSPA, the Inspectorate of Policing is working to develop additional process and information for the policing sector on the IG’s assessment of the delivery of adequate and effective policing.  This will include ongoing assessment of the “status quo” of adequate and effective police service delivery and governance, as well as specific considerations and process for time-sensitive assessments made in the context of emerging public safety events.  Our work in this area includes engagement with the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police and the Ontario Association of Police Services Boards, and we appreciate their continued support and value their input, on behalf of their membership.


As the Inspectorate of Policing gains further operational experience and insights, and through continued engagement with Ontario’s policing sector, I will continue to share information and advice to assist you in meeting the requirements of the CSPA and its regulations. 


I trust this information will be helpful to you. Should you have any questions about section 19 or the Revised Advisory Bulletin, please reach out to your Police Services Advisor. 


IG Memos and Advisory Bulletins are also now posted on our website:



Ryan Teschner

Inspector General of Policing of Ontario